Dundas Minerals Exploration Prospects

Dundas Minerals has assembled a compelling pipeline of exploration prospects that are at various stages of maturity across its twelve (12) 100% owned Exploration Licences in the Albany-Fraser Orogen, Western Australia. For an overview of the regional geology click here.
About the Albany-Fraser Orogen
The Albany-Fraser Orogen (AFO) is an emerging and relatively recently recognised mineral exploration province in Western Australia. The AFO has gained international prominence due to the discoveries of:
•  the ~8 million ounce Tropicana-Havana hydrothermal gold deposit in 2005 by AngloGold Ashanti (the largest greenfields gold discovery in Australia in the last decades), and;
•  the ~15 million tonne combined Nova-Bollinger magmatic Ni-Cu-Co deposit in 2015 by Sirius Resources (acquired by Independence Group (ASX: IGO) for A$1.8 billion in 2015).
These discoveries in the AFO demonstrated the previously under-appreciated potential the orogen, which from the discoveries and subsequent mine developments has gained considerable economic importance for the state of Western Australia. 
Although the Albany-Fraser Orogen can be regarded as a “greenfields” exploration province (with associated geological uncertainty for exploration); nonetheless, the AFO is clearly highly prospective for further discoveries of commercially viable mineral deposits. The AFO has many features that support bonanza mineral discoveries, the likes of Tropicana and Nova, and future mining operations.
Exploration Prospects 
New mafic/ultramafic magmatic nickel suphide prospects:
1. Matilda South (Ni/Cu)
2. North East (Ni/Cu)
3. Central (Ni/Cu)
Recently drill tested:
1. Kokoda (Au)
2. Jumbuck (Ni)
Beyond 2022:
Terra Firma (Au)
Mulga (Au)
Dundas Minerals Exploration Prospects